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Durants School



Other useful information


Transition Drop in Sessions

Transition Drop-in sessions run the first Friday of every month at Carnegie House.  They are led by Jane Richards (parent) and Charlene Thomas (ILDS). 

These sessions are to support parents who have any concerns, issues or questions relating to the transition of their young person into adulthood. 





Wellbeing Connect Services

Wellbeing Connect Services is a  mental health charity  organisation which offers specialist advocacy, therapy, counselling , information and advice to young children, adult and families with mental health issues .


SEND Support gym sessions 

Southbury Leisure centre are pleased to be running SEND supported gym sessions for young people at Southbury Leisure Centre!

The sessions are suitable for those aged 12-25 years and will take place every Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm starting from 16th November. The cost will be £3 per session, and will also include a plus one support. 

Those who wish to attend will require a gym induction and need to complete a health questionnaire on their first session. 

Spaces are limited to 14 people (7 SEND customer, 7 support) so we would recommend booking in advance.


Please copy this hyperlink for more information.



Parent Support Advocate


RADAR National Key Scheme

The RADAR National Key Scheme (NKS) ensures that people with disabilities have easy access to around 7,000 locked public toilets around the country.

The NKS, sometimes known as the RADAR Scheme, was developed because some public toilets designed for disabled people had to be locked to prevent damage and misuse. The scheme aims to provide disabled key holders with independent access to the toilets provided for them and increase the likelihood of the facilities being in a useable state.

When a Council joins the scheme, standard locks are fitted to their accessible toilets and keys are made available to people with disabilities. Over 400 local authorities in all parts of the country have now adopted the scheme. In addition to public conveniences, toilets for disabled people provided by a wide range of other public, voluntary and commercial organisations have been fitted with the NKS locks. So it can now be found in shopping centers, country parks, railway and bus stations, bars, motorway service areas and sports venues.

You can obtain RADAR keys from the Enfield Council Civic Centre main reception.

How much does it cost?

The key costs £3.60

Useful contacts

Enfield Council
Address: Civic Centre, Silver Street , Enfield , EN1 3XY
Phone: 020 8379 1000
Text Phone: 020 8379 4419

Address: Ground Floor, Ardent House Gates Way , Stevenage SG1 3HG
Phone: 0845 270 4627
Text: 07971 425213



Please see below for useful information and downloadable booklets surrounding Autism and Continence. 

Autism and continence - Resources List March 2022

Autism and continence 2022 - handout



Attached & below is some good advice & links regarding top tips for  sleeping.

Further advice can be sought at:

  • Scope’s sleep right programme:




     Nutrition and Diet 

     Healthy snacks advice

     Eating - A guide for all audiences




Caregiver affect information