DFE age range -
11-19 (varies for the Satellite - see below)
Type of need -
Funded Places -
Durants School provides education for children and young people aged 11-19 who have a diagnosis of autism and an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The main school site has students at the severe end of the autistic spectrum with other co-morbid conditions and/or medical needs e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Epilepsy, Bowel conditions. Many children and young people at the school have significant sensory sensitivities such as audio defensiveness and hypersensitivity to tactile contact and rigid behavioural patterns that may manifest as behaviours of concern that may pose a risk to themselves or others. Children and young people are able to manage their own personal care and self-help needs independently, except in cases of exceptional medical conditions.
All students at the school are able to engage in subject-specific learning and will have been assessed using the pre-key stage standards at the end of Key Stage 2. The ability range at the school varies from Standard 1 on the pre-key stage standards to young people who are able to access entry level qualifications.
Pupils from Russet House School usually transfer to Durants in Year 7 if parents express a preference for the school at secondary transfer through the SEN Service transition process. Durants School will be consulted by the SEN Service about whether or not they can meet the child or young person’s needs. In order to respond to this consultation staff at Durants School, will need to meet the prospective student. The Local Authority will name a school on a child or young person’s EHCP based on the information from consultations with schools.
Some students who have Durants School named on their EHCPs will attend the Durants Satellite at Winchmore School. The satellite is for children and young people who will be able to manage the academic and social demands of being part of a mainstream school. Winchmore School is a large and busy secondary school so all students in the satellite must have the ability to cope in busy/ loud environments and to navigate the building independently. These students will be able to regulate their behaviour and operate within the mainstream behaviour policy and codes of conduct. Students will be selected by the school, in consultation with parents, to attend the satellite where they have some capacity to access and benefit from mainstream lessons. These are usually students who are working at or above age-related expectations at the end of Key Stage 2. Some students who have achieved age related expectations in English and Maths for Year 5 may also be suitable for the satellite. Children and young people attending the satellite will be able to access the mainstream curriculum in an age appropriate class with and without support for at least 50% of their timetable. At the end of KS4, students in the satellite should be able to access mainstream qualifications e.g. GCSEs and/or entry level qualifications. The satellite also supports some Winchmore students who benefit from the calm and nurturing environment. These students can also request to transfer on to the Durants roll, if parents are in agreement, by requesting a place at the school through the Annual Review process.
The satellite also provides Post-16 education from 2021/22 (Year 12 only in 2021/22 and Years 12 and 13 from 2022/23).
Students entering the Durants satellite at Winchmore sixth form provision should have:
- A nationally recognised qualification in any subject at Entry Level 2 of the RQF or above (Entry Level certificates, GCSE, L1/ L2 qualifications). This may include accredited AQA unit awards at L1/L2 even if not leading to a formal qualification.
- Independent learning skills (e.g. able to use the internet to research, able to organise their time and work, access online learning resources/ read set texts etc)
- Able to regulate their emotions appropriately within a busy, dynamic environment
- Sensory needs do not act as a barrier to participation or engagement
- Ability to follow the host schools (Winchmore School) code of conduct and policies/ procedures
- Independently move around a large secondary school environment.
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